
Do you know what fractions really are? Fractions are parts of a equal group. We learned about cross multiply and that is used to make equal fractions. Common denominator is when you have the denominator (bottom number) and there the same. The numerator is the top number. Equivalent fractions are equal fraction to remember equivalent has equal in it. That is all about fractions.Fractions on PhotoPeach

Famous People

In school in writing we are learning about researching famous people for the wax museum. The wax museum is where you dress up as a famous person and talk like they would and act like them. Yesterday we learned 6 steps the first one is to use research to guide your research the second one is collect information  from varous sources the third one is take note and put them in your own words then the forth one is sort and organize your information then the fifth one is write then the sixth one is give credit. Those are the 6 steps to researching. Last night we sent home a paper with 3 slots because we had to pick 3 famous people. Then the first person to turn it in get there first person. That is how we did our famous people stuff for now.

Thanksgiving Tradtion

These are some of my Thanksgiving traditions. One is we always have rolls that my Grandma makes. Another one is we go to my grandma. Also, we always have turkey and I have to eat even if I don’t want to. Another is we always see my cousins and grandma. Also, we always have mashed patatos and sweet patatos. Also we always eat in the kitchen not any where else. those are some of my familys tradions for Thanksgiving.